welcome to my world

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Oh!! This Robotic World!!

I know I know people..its been a REALLY long time!!!
Just saw that the last Posting published by me was on the 1st of this month...!!!!!
Ok..this posting is nothing, but some blabber, some crap and lots of non sensical things abt which, I am sure, you will not be bothered.

As Velu so rightly predicted, have been really busy latey! Office work combined with a lot of socializing made me look ever so hard working plus party-hard kind of a girl.

Oh yeah!! Achint has come back from Canada yesterday *grin* FINALLY!!!
But the sadder part is that his folks are also coming to Bangalore tomorrow :(
And I am leaving for Agra on Saturday :( :)
And I will be back only on the 8th...hmmm...

Last evening was pathetic. I am feeling so horrible about myself. I did something which I swore I will never do..OK people, dont ask me what was it, coz I am so fuckingly ashamed of myself!!

Now I am doing the tag given to me by Avinash a.k.a. Brute..To be honest, I actually did half of another tag, given by Mathew..but it required a lot of labor..u see...like searching for some pictures and all...Dont have much time right now, as I have to get out of the office and head home. Have tones of work to do. And I am so so hungry. Reached late to the office and the food was over. SO....

Ok now the TAG!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I am thinking
about many things..like how to finish my Reports and then go tonight with Achint for the Dandiya Party!

I said
I am the hottest. So shut up and listen.

I want
An iPOD, another, sexier, sleeker laptop, another pair of
LEVI's ultra low waisters, the gown I have been eyeing sine a week now, all the chocolates kept in Achint's Refridgerator(dunno the spelling OK?), ADIDAS floaters, to prolong this day, salary hike, Job at TESCO, a dining table in my Hall..........................................

I wish
There was not so much of Traffic in Bangalore, we could get movie tickets whenever we want, i wish..i wish..so wat??Does any one listen to me here?????huh!

I miss
Home made food, home(only at times when I recall what a princess life I used to lead), being with school, college friends..

I hear
The AC buzz and some heavy vehicle passing by, also Mr. Jairaj talking to someone on the phone..

I wonder
How, I wonder why, yesterday u told me about the blue blue sky, but all that I can see, is just another lemon tree.. :D

I regret
What I took last night! :((

I am
Neha Phillips, the great!

I dance

I sing
Everyday, everytime..

I cry
Quite a lot..Hope people dont feel I am a sissy (though most of the times I cry alone!)

I write
Policies for my company, reports and a little other things...for the rest..I type!

I confuse
People, animals and any other creature/ thing that can be confused :D

I need
Lots of money *evil grin*

I should
Finish this Tag quickly. I dont want Achint to wait for me.

I finish
This Tag. Thats it. Tones is yet left to be done.


P.S.If the others are feeling very happy that you have been pardoned by not being tagged, dont feel so happy! I have many tags in ma kitty!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Brains wanted...

If you people got freaked out reading the Title, dont worry!!I have not become Neha - The Cannibal..not right now..also, me not studying to become a Doctor, so...
What I need a brain for, is for our dear Officials, The Government people...
If you checked out the newspapers since, lets say 15 days, very wierd posting...oops!not postings, articles had been doing the rounds! Like :

  • Vande Mataram being played at all schools along with the National Anthem..Also, I have come to know that some multiplexes in some cities, have been ordered to play the National Anthem...Hmmmm...Interesting..though how necessary...I dunno!
  • Kannada being made as the deciding factor for 10th grade and 12th grade students, who are the future of the already pathetic state of India's sports ! These students rely on the sports quota seats and points for admission to various colleges...common man! Only coz of language, you cannot have some discrepency!
  • Helmets rule has been postponed to another one month because of protests from the pillion riders...Hey! We have been protesting against many other important issues too...What about them? Just make the rule compulsory and people will follow them..What say people?
  • Stones as tears and Doctors wondering whether it is some kind of dual personality!! Give the poor lady a break!! Try treating her instead!
  • Ya, this is a new entry...Din't read it properly but apparently, there is some tree somewhere, which gives water! No comments!!
  • Yeah, how can i forget this one...the idol drinking milk..or something like this...
I have started thinking of not checking out the newspaper right in the morning! We require some kind of entertainment after office..these days the newspapers provide us with it. Totally!

On another subject....

Tried cooking Chinese last night.
So what did Neha do about it?
She went to the internet sites, downloaded recipe of Gobhi Manchurian and Egg Fried Rice...
She then spent 2 hours in the kitchen, trying to make something which might look like food...But gosh!!!
She does not know what was infront of her as a result of all the hard work...