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Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Joys Of Christmas

Nupur n Me:its the sangeet of her wedding happening

Yours truely

Ah, the festive season is upon us. Coloured lights and sparkling trees, enchanting children and grown ups alike. Close your eyes and you can feel the delicious anticipation wash over you, as shoppers shop and carolers fill the chilly air with song. With just days to go to Christmas, it's time for a moment of quiet reflection, to consider the most important aspects of this holiday and what makes it special:


Specifically, presents for me. So let's get down to business. The following, in no particular order, is what I want:

1. A winning lottery ticket (hmm, maybe this list is in order after all). If I get this, every major problem that I have at the moment, from career issues to non-existent pension plans, would be sorted. Well OK, it won't actually stop my parents from pestering me to getting married and breed them a pair of mini-Nehas - but at least then I'd be able to send them on a cruise around the world. Over and over (and over) again. Come to think of it, with this ticket I can just buy the rest of this list myself.

2. A puppy. Seriously. A boxer pup would be nice, like the one in the Hutch commercials. They're cutest when they're young, so the plan is to keep it until it turns one year old, then um, get rid of it and get another one next Christmas! And if I keep giving them the same name, it would be like having a puppy that never grows up!

3. A penthouse. I've always been a citygirl at heart,but will like to have one at the outskirts of the city. People talk to being connected but I will want disconnection at least for some time.

4. A career. Please. I don't know what I want to do - or what I can do - but I need something that pays a helluva lot of money without involving a lot of work ;-)

5. A package consisting of bungee jumping, scuba diving, para gliding, skinny dipping, a trip to Milne Ice Shelf..........

6. Friends. Not that I dont have any...I have plenty, but I want those friends back in my life who once were...and those too who could have been but somehow i lost them.

7. A liposuction. Shut up.


At December 23, 2005 10:38 PM , Blogger Love you longtime! said...

Dunno it's just me - but you look a bit diff. from ya earlier pics.

And Lipsuction??? *laughs*

Err... i'll just shut up!

At December 24, 2005 11:43 AM , Blogger Neha said...

well i m the same......but seems ur eyesight is not :-)

At February 02, 2006 12:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pup used in the hutch ads are called pugs... not boxers...*;o)


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