Hero Power...Go!! Get it!!!
Sweep, sweep.
"Excuse me..."
"Maydem, so early to aapees (office)?"
(smile, sigh) "Work is there, Leela"
I wait for her to do her job. It's her time now. 8 am.
Slosh, slosh. Swob to right... Thud! hello, wall right. Swob to leffffft... Thud! cringe, wall left. Swob, swob.
Destination: Cubicle, stage right.
Obstacle: Industriously cleaned floor that looks wet enough to bring anyone down.
Aha! Dry patch! Maybe I'll walk quickly over that... My right foot lifts gingerly, with presumptious subtlely...
Damn. Too late. Leela's got that one too. Small-time predicament now becomes insurmountable challenge.
The wet floor expands menacingly, laughing a hollow laugh, daring me to sully its shiny cleanliness.
Ok. That's it. It's time for... SUUUUPER-RO! Ban-ban-pauuuuunnnnn... dan-DAN! dinchak, dinchak, dinchank, dinchak...
and her faithful (and situation-specific) side-kick, Greeeeeeen swivel chair!!! dinchak, dinchank, dinchak...
Super-Ro's extensible hands reach for G-chair's back. Leela swings her mop in extreeeeme slow motion, and drops of dettoled water slice through the air...
Super-Ro must think fast.
Once the mop touches the floor, sloshing will kill all chance of walkability.
A world that will never walk again. WILL Super-Ro be able to stop that???
dinchak, dinchank, dinchak...
Ohhh, Super-Ro's in bigger trouble. Her right foot won't get off the ground! Is gravity an enemy too? Or worse, is it some villanous gooey chewing gum from the pavement???
dinchak, dinchank, dinchak...
Super-Ro overcomes the first enemy. Chewing gums will never DARE to come in her way again!
The floor still scoffs at Super-Ro's heroic feat....
Super-Ro jumps onto G-chair, holds on to the arms (the chair's arms. Super-Ro gets 6 arms only in Episode-3. Pay attention), holds her breath (now you know what her superpower is) aaaaand ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM....
dinchak, dinchank, dinchak, dinchak.... Super-Ro zzzips past the walls, papers fly, pens topple over, lights are blinded. She charges, unstoppable, towards her super-computer all the way at the end of the hall.
She reaches her super-cubicle. Stands up victoriously. The walls only have ears, so they don't applaud.
But does SUUUUper-Ro care? She is already on her way to crush another enemy of the world- the water purifier.
dinchak, dinchank, dinchak...
So don't forget to tune in again... Saaaame Ro time, saaaame Ro channel....
(Brought on by a whole lifetime of promises courtesy Boost, Viva, Milo, Bournvita and Glucon-D)
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